Thursday, February 12, 2009

My LEAST Favorite Subject

Before you read any further and start sending me hate mail, know that I am NOT Atheist, I'm Agnostic. I'm a realist. I believe in SCIENCE. I believe that if the 5 senses can't pick it up...IT'S NOT REAL!

A co-worker and I got into a bit of a heated debate, OK it wasn't a co-worker it was more of someone who can be considered "my boss" over the worst subject ever, religion! Now when the conversation started, I tried my best to back out of it. Like all cult members, this person got offended and wanted to talk about how I should feel. So against my better judgment and because I HATE it when "they" try to cram it down my throat, I debated...and when it was done, the "believer" couldn't run away fast enough....Guess it had something to do with never being able to debate this subject with me because I will kick your ass at it...I'm just saying. I find it funny that I never judge those who believe in different beliefs, but as soon as they know I don''s an issue. I'll put it out there right now...Christianity is a CULT!!! I was raised Catholic and as an adult I could never understand why I need to "confess" my sins to another human being who, in all likelihood, sins himself or herself...Nobody is perfect, right?

Anyway....I love all of my friends, and they are all of different religions. We have an understanding...Don't ask, Don't tell and leave Randy the fuck alone when it comes to it because if you don't he's going to hurt your feelings! I should just direct all those who want to discuss the matter to this George Carlin clip.


LoraLoo said...

I have nothing to argue here because the older I get, the more I agree with you. I abandoned the Catholic church as a teenager and never looked back. I have plenty of God-fearing hypocritical family members who showed me the way OUT.

Everyone has the right to their opinion and beliefs, true. So I usually avoid religious discussions too. I have a coworker who is so much like you on this... he's told me almost verbatim your whole post!

Nik said...

Blech, religious convo's never end well. I'm not sure what I believe, if anything, but "Christians" are effin crazy. That whole "forgiveness" angle is completely thrown out the window if you don't believe as they do. But, no sense beating a dead horse here. Glad you didn't back down from the argument though. I love it when those kinda people get served.

Anonymous said...

by definition, you can be both atheist and agnostic. i get into that debate all the time. but, when you know what youre talking about, even the "christians" say hmmmm....